Smiling Man in Wheelchair in His Own Kitchen

Praise for the Surehands Body Support

For decades, a Surehands Lift and Care System with the revolutionary Surehands Body Support has been  providing assistance for patients and preventing potential injury for caregivers. With a comfortable design, it has helped them maintain personal independence while delivering endless support. Hear why our clients have put their trust in Surehands Lift and Care Systems: Read more

Caregiver with Client

Lift and Transfer Specialists Recognizes Caregivers


Every November, we salute the dedication of caregivers with National Family Caregivers Month. For over 19 years, LTS has been dedicated to ensuring the safety of caregivers across the nation. Their commitment to improving the lives of their loved ones is more than just a job. It is a selfless act of compassion. This month, we encourage caregivers to take a moment and care for themselves as well as others. Read more