3 Ways to Advocate for Accessibility

If you or a loved one are a wheelchair user, you’ve probably had your fair share of frustrations when it comes to accessibility in public spaces. That’s why Lift and Transfer Specialists encourages you to make a New Year’s Resolution to spread awareness. By telling your or your loved one’s story, we can increase knowledge of what it’s like to live with a disability.

Here are a few of our suggestions for spreading awareness:


Get involved with local charities, events and civic organizations. By doing this, you’re becoming more visible and increasing people’s awareness that there is a sizeable population that rely on accessibility. You’re also showing people that disability isn’t something that holds you back from living a regular life! January is an excellent time to start volunteering, since this also marks the Day of Service many people do in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You can go to http://mlkday.gov/serve/find.php to find opportunities near you to volunteer.

Talk to Your Representatives

Attend a meeting of your city council, board of supervisors or school board and talk about what it’s like to live in your community as a disabled individual. If there’s a local government building that’s difficult to access, let them know about it. Write to your congressional representatives about issues of accessibility.

Connect with Others.

It can be easy to get discouraged when getting involved with public issues, especially if you’re dealing with your own health conditions. You can’t encourage others if you’re down on yourself, however. Look for others with disabilities and find a role model. Joining a support group can not only help you stay positive, it can also give you a network of support to aid in advocating for accessibility issues.

At Lift and Transfer Specialists, we want to see a world that’s accessible to people of all abilities, and that’s why we’ve become such experts at installing ramps, ceiling lifts and pool lifts, to encourage independence for all. Email us or call (877) 542-5438 today if you want to make your home or business more accessible.